How to make Kombucha tea
In this article you can find what is Kombucha and their properties
To prepare the Kombucha tea we will need:

* 1 L. of water
* 4 sachets of organic green tea
* 75 Gr. of integral cane sugar (organic preferably).
* Glass jar
* Kombucha culture.
* 100 ml of previous fermented tea or vinegar.
* Cloth strainer

1. we make the infused with green tea (5 min.)
2. Let the tea get cool and then add the sugar.

3. We introduce the kombucha into the container.

4. Add the 100 ml. previous fermented tea (the liquid where the kombucha is culture is stored) or vinegar.
5. Add the green tea chilled.

6. Leave to ferment for 15 days to a temperature of about 23°.
7. After the period of fermentation liquid remove and strain the fabric screen. (Keep a few 100 ml. to store kombucha culture).
8. Save the tea in a bottle of glass in the refrigerator.
9. We reserve the kombucha culture in a boat of glass in the 100 ml. extracted from the yeast.
In this article you can find the properties of Kombucha.